pp108 : TimeFrame Composite Control Properties Interface

TimeFrame Composite Control Properties Interface

This topic describes the various fields on Properties pane of the TimeFrame Composite Control.

The TimeFrame Composite Control Properties Interface helps in configuring properties of the composite control.
Table 1. Fields on the Properties Interface of TimeFrame Composite Control

Field Name


Static check box

Select to render the TimeFrame composite control with static time frame UI at run-time. The Start Time and End Time fields appear under the Static Time Frame section on selecting the Static check box.
Note: By default, the Static check box will be cleared. If the check box is not checked, Timeframe is considered as a rolling time frame and is rendered with Range and Period selection UI at run-time. By default, Range and Period fields appear under the Rolling Time Frame when the check box is cleared.

Static Time Frame > Start Time

Click , next to Start Time to select the start date to fetch data.

Static Time Frame > End Time

Click , next to End Time to select the end date to fetch data.

Rolling Time Frame > Period

Enter the time period in the text box next to Range to get data from a repeating time period of a specific length that moves continuously, which can be hour, day, week, or month.

Rolling Time Frame > Range

Select the duration in the range of Hour(s), or Day(s), or Week(s), or Month(s).

Table 2. Events for the TimeFrame Composite Control




Fires when clicked on a data point on the chart. The following example describes its functionality.

function Form_InitDone(eventObject)
function ondataclicklistenerFn(eventObject)
//eventObject.businessObject will give the businessobject as a JSON object for the clicked datapoint